Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do you think my BBT chart shows I ovulated?

Thanks for any input! This is my first time charting my BBTs and I find this pattern very strange. Do you think my chart shows ovulation? I edited my chart to show I ovulated, but now I'm not so sure with the recent temp drops.

Do you think my BBT chart shows I ovulated?ballet

That's a tough one...I would say you haven't. There are a lot of open circles in the past few days - are those temps not reliable? Why is your chart not set on advanced? FF is pretty good at detecting the O.

Do you think my BBT chart shows I ovulated?globe theater opera theater

That's a toughie! With your cervical mucus changes, it looks like you have. Have you been to Those girls really helped me read a lot of my charts when I first started charting.
Based on your whole chart I would agree with fertility friend and say ovulation occurred on cd17. Good luck!
You didn't ovulate day 17- you need at least 3 confirmed raised temps and you don't have it at that point. *IF* you ovulated, I would say it would have been 19; however, you have a lot of open circles (which means we can't trust the temp) and your other signs (CM; cervical position) don't match up. Also, you had 2 temps in a row dip below the coverline and it hasn't recovered all that well. If I had to make a guess, I would say that your body tried to ovulate around day 17-19, but that its been delayed for some reason. So far, I think this chart is annovulatory.

It's OK, though. Lot's of things could be delaying your ovulation (stress, travel, illness, not sleeping well, etc) and it's thought that ALL women experience the occassional annovulatory cycle. Your body will continute to try to ovulate, so keep watching for the signs. You will also have a longer than usual cycle (unless longer or irregular cycles are usual for you).

Good luck!!!

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