Saturday, December 5, 2009

What is it that shows that someone really loves you? Actions not words.?

Is there something that someone does that shows that they put you first? I figure if I put the toilet seat down that is evidence enough. Too romantic? Perhaps.

What is it that shows that someone really loves you? Actions not words.?opera songs

hehe toilet seat? oooo thats funny..... i say from my experiance....that when two ppl who love each other can sit in the same room and not say a word and be happy " is love"....when one person is feeling low , the other knows to put their arms around them just to hold them knowing thats all they need sometimes "is love "... remembering what their fave things are in life and acting upon them "is love".... being the rock to lean on when the other needs holding up in life "is love " i realy could go on and on and on hehe, its cus i is in love and would do anything for my partner and likewise...anyone can say i love you... but being their for one another in every hour of need, for every smile, laughter every tear is love.

What is it that shows that someone really loves you? Actions not words.?secure browser opera theater

When they do something that puts you or your interest before their own.. Over and over again....
scrafice alot 4 u leave chances that he/she can get later put u always in front of him/her specially ur picture
Well for one, they would probably be nervous or shy with you. I would think just wanting to sincerely listen to her and ask her about her goals or wishes is nice.
Actions speak louder than words. ANYONE can SAY they love you, it's harder to SHOW love. Putting the toilet seat down? I'd consider that showing respect, not love. My husband shows me love when he buys my roses (he thinks it's insane what they ask for roses so I know it was hard for him to fish out the money for them :)), when he cleans the snow/ice off my car, when he gives me a "nite off" from cooking, the way he thanks me after every meal, when he gives me one of those hugs that feels like he's going to crush my bones, when he grabs me and we do a dance in the kitchen, when he holds my face between his hands, looks me in the eye and tells me that he loves me..... All this SHOWS love.
Actions, Words, the whole package. You need to say I LOve You, You need to rub backs, read between the lines and show you care enough to try to do this.

I don't usually send links.

There is too much I want to say, as I have learnt these languages.

We all show and receive love very differently. The secret is to learn what love language you speak and the language of your loved ones.

Not hard to know just having to remember.

Please check this out. It is rather important and may be something you can put into practise.

Like I said I don't like to do this so it must be important. Yes?
Remembering little things like that does help. :0) I feel loved when someone cares about what's going on in my soul. When someone notices that you're down or they can tell when you're doing great - that means a lot to me.

When I was going through a tough time my friend Deb came to see me one day. She said, "You're doing ok today aren't you? I can tell by your eyes." For anyone who cares enough to notice, my eyes always tell the story of my soul. Most people don't look that closely.

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